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Men's Ministry

Our culture has dismissed the importance of men in society, the workplace, and the family. But the calling God has for men is high. In Ephesians 5:23 God places the husband as the head of the family just as Christ is the head of the church. Godly men, husbands, and fathers are developed through discipleship and a firm foundation on God’s word.

  • To lead their families in Worship

  • Learn the word of God in Study

  • Reach out to other men in the community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Help hold men accountable to God’s standards for their lives.

Women's Ministry

Pastor Ruth Kaunley

In the beginning, God designed women for a purpose, Our culture today struggles with defining a woman. Often the definitions are unhealthy, unrealistic, or downright untrue. Women have an important purpose in their homes, the church, and society. In 1 Timothy 5, Paul encourages fellowship between women. Why is this? Because God designed women for fellowship. So often the unrealistic ideals of our culture work to isolate women from one another.

  • Just as men have a high calling, so do women. Women are designed to be encouragers and nurturors. At The Sanctuary of Hope, we believe that women have an incredible purpose and we desire to see each woman pursue their purpose in Christ.

Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

Youth Ministry (High School)

  • Social and cultural pressures are stronger than they have ever been. About ⅓ of teens identify as religiously unaffiliated. With the rise of competing philosophies and ideologies, young people need a firm understanding of God’s word and how to apply it. SOH Youth will help young people understand God’s word, develop Christ-centered relationships, and prepare them for adulthood. The youth of today are the church of tomorrow. We believe in equipping them to be the leaders of the future. 
  • SOH Youth participate in multiple events throughout the year to train them in evangelism, serving the community, and the different areas of the church.
  • To lead their families in Worship

  • Learn the word of God in Study

  • Reach out to other men in the community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Help hold men accountable to God’s standards for their lives.